I watched Jay Leno's new primetime show Monday night. Absolutely unbelievable! It was even worse than one of those Harry Hamlin-versus-the-gods-of-antiquity movies!
I used to like Jay Leno. I really did.
Years ago he would come on the Carson show and tear me up! He wasn't even the permanent host then – just a virtually unknown comedian who worked hard to be funny!
Today he's a totally unentertaining celebrity who thinks he is important. He wants to be "relevant," and in attempting to be so he has become boring, unfunny and tedious.
I have a theory as to why NBC gave Leno a primetime show – a theory with two parts:
(1) Few people actually watch network television anymore and most of those who do just can't afford satellite. So NBC wanted to get Leno out of sight, and what better place than 10:00 P.M. on network TV on Monday night?
(2) Leno got a primetime show for the same reason Jake Delhomme is still the starting quarterback for the Carolina Panthers: Some short-sighted person in top management signed them both to such outrageously wealthy contracts that neither NBC nor the Panther organization can afford to let either go!
Clearly, neither of these losers are worthy of so much as a stale doughnut, and yet they receive millions a year!
This is the stuff that gives Free Enterprise a bad name!
Why does management do this? Why throw good money after bad when a venture has shown itself to be a failure? The answer is quite simple: to try to hide an obvious lack of management skills.
Leno would be fine writing jokes for NBC Nightly News. Delhomme would be fine carrying the Gatorade barrels back and forth between the dressing room and the sidelines during games. But neither should be a star!
I have always felt sorry for people who were placed in positions beyond their abilities to perform adequately (a la the Peter Principal). Even with the big bucks coming in, the stress of constant failure must hurt terribly.
The powers that be need to drop both these pitiful never-weres.
Have mercy!