Sometimes, on a cold, icy night, I find myself outside for some reason. It could be anything. Maybe I have just returned home and am walking from the car to the house. Maybe I take the trash out to the big trash can. Maybe I take the mouse out so she can do her business before putting her to bed. For some reason, I find myself outside.
The air is so clear and crisp on nights like these. As I look up at the stars I see puffs of clouds speed by as the light darkens and brightens around me. Down the way, the trees bend in the night air, and I think, "Man, I'd hate to get jumped by a big dog on a night like this!" Then in my mind's eye I see myself lying on the cold frozen ground, the living room light beckoning me through the curtains, and a big, black dog gnawing my foot off.
Then I break and run like crap for the door.
Why do I think of these things? I don't know. I just do. It's like biting a fever blister. Sometimes it just feels good to be miserable.
Have a nice day!